Many women today are over-extended, overwhelmed and over-worked. In many instances, the burden of trying to do it “all” has impeded the ability to live purposeful lives. Therefore, the call for women is to take a breather, sit down and reflect on your purpose, devise a plan of action with the intent to uncover what you were really placed on this earth to do.

Clearly gender roles have changed considerably for women over the years. The emergence of the feminist movement in the 1960’s contributed in facilitating change for women in many ways to include the transformation of the power of interaction between male and female relationships. Women and men adjusted to relatively new situations, sometimes causing perplexity about gender roles and identity. Also during that time, many women were introduced to countless new experiences such as entering the workforce and new career choices, educational opportunities that had never been extended to them before and much more. As women became acclimated to these new experiences, many became overachievers and unfortunately this led to a lot of women suffering in private from the newfound demands of trying to live up to the “superwoman” identity.

No wonder today many women are over-extended, over-booked, over-worked and overwhelmed. Woman continue to manage a lot, some of which includes balancing motherhood, taking care of hubby, single life and dating, being a career woman, dealing with divorce, caring for aging parents and the list of responsibilities goes on and on. Regrettably, for a great deal of women their standard of living has become unmanageable. It is often said as nurturers, oftentimes women are so busy taking care of others; they neglect to take time out for themselves.
In the book, "The worn out woman When Your Life is Full and Your Spirit is Empty" by Dr. Steve Stephens and Alice Gray, the authors affirm that studies estimate there are more than sixty million worn out women in the United States and that another sixty million are on the fast track to becoming exhausted and overwhelmed. The authors also discuss the concept of perfectionism, reiterating that although perfection doesn’t exist on this planet, that doesn’t stop a lot of women from trying to achieve it. It was also mentioned that many women secretly believe they must be perfect, or near perfect, in everything they do. The author’s further declare, at the heart of perfectionism is fear—fear of making mistakes and being judged, fear of failure and fear of rejection.

The call for women is to stop living in fear. The call for women is to relinquish the idea that they have to be “superwomen.” The call for women is to find a sense of balance in their lives. The call for women is to take the necessary time to reflect on what truly makes you happy. Women must also understand the actuality that each and every one was blessed with a unique gift—a gift that shouldn’t exist hidden only in our thoughts. No matter what age you are, no matter what your gifts are whether it be gardening, writing poetry, mentoring, starting a business, baking cookies for the neighbors—you must take the time to think of yourself and to move forward toward making your dreams a reality. By doing so, not only will you begin to live your life with purpose but you will surely satisfy your heart’s desires.
As Oprah Winfrey once said, “I've come to believe that each of us has a personal calling that's as unique as a fingerprint - and that the best way to succeed is to discover what you love and then find a way to offer it to others in the form of service, working hard, and also allowing the energy of the universe to lead you.”
Thanks for Reading!
Angela Harris